Museum of Aerial


Using a sleek modern and minimilist style, this publications reflects the beauty and elegance of aerial performers throughout the history of the circus through a well considered typographic response

This was an ISTD brief from 2013, which I completed as a practice for the student assesments 2014.
The publication is in response to the brief 'The Museum of Circus'. Researching circus' throughout history, I found really interesting the abilities of ariel performers, so decided to use this as a focus point.

There has been many aerialist perfomers that have shaped the style of the circus over time, however people don't always see the artfrom as a magnificant talented act and instead see it as comical circus act. To change peoples perception of the artfrom, this publication was created to be distrubted out as part of an advertisement scheme for a museum.
A minimalist style has been adopted to make the typography the key focus throughout the publication and represent the true beauty of the aerialist performer. The publication is printed on a white stock which feels luxurious and feels clean. Subtle qualities throughout the book exaggerate the movements of performers, each performer acquiring their own page to be truly appreciated and recognised.
Museum Of Aerial

Museum Of Aerial

Reflecting the beauty and strength of aerialist performers throughout the history of the circus. With a focus on typography.
